t h e c o m p l e t e b u i l d i n g p r o c e s s
The key to an enjoyable building project is to follow a properly ordered planning schedule, found in our Complete Building Process. This sequence of decisions, based on the National Association of Home Builders’ preferred guidelines, greatly facilitates the construction process, and enhances the ease and enjoyment of your home building experience.
We offer our 30 years of custom homebuilding experience to assist you in the often perplexing process of planning and building a home. Image Homes will work closely with the land planner, architect, interior designer and other team members to oversee the steps of the “Complete Building Process” of your new home.
We offer our 30 years of custom homebuilding experience to assist you in the often perplexing process of planning and building a home. Image Homes will work closely with the land planner, architect, interior designer and other team members to oversee the steps of the “Complete Building Process” of your new home.
W H Y I S T H E I N I T I A L P L A N N I N G P R O C E S S S O I M P O R T A N T ?
- Building a home is an important decision worthy of a wise plan.
- Planning your room sizes, layout and style with us to guide you and lend our experience helps you maximize the value, use, and resale value of your home.
- Planning allows us to help you to design within your budget and functional needs. Throughout the process we will continually evaluate the balance between desired design ideas and budget and keep you on track with your stated goal.
- Planning helps avoid nasty cost surprises.
- Planning will reduce local bureaucratic issues of building a home in your area, such as permitting and site development.
- Planning allows all team members to do their jobs efficiently, and saves you money by avoiding costly change orders.